1st Prize Ansgaritor, Bremen

ATP Frankfurt and Sonae Sierra win the competition for a downtown district

The tender for the competition required the design of a new central urban element for downtown Bremen. The use concept of the winning entry from ATP Frankfurt follows the guidelines for the development of the Ansgari district and envisages both a quantitative expansion and clear qualitative improvement of the retail and restaurant facilities as a means of injecting new life into the urban realm. The project also includes the creation of high-quality office space and childcare-facilities. Around 100 apartments complement the urban use concept and clearly add to the attractiveness and liveliness of the district – by day and by night.

Competition team: Christoph Achammer, Ulf Bambach, Marcel Heller, Charlotte Pabst, Alberto Rivas Panizo, Katrin Schmidt, Michael Haugeneder, Carsten Nechwatal, Marina Campomar-Goroskieta, Klaus Schmidt


Across online

Caption: Design of Ansgaritor Am Wall, Bremen. Visualization: ATP architects engineers
Caption: Design of Ansgaritor Am Wall, Bremen. Visualization: ATP architects engineers

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