2012-12-05 Zero Emission Cities-Congress

ATP CEO Christoph M. Achammer presented integrated design as a model for an emission-free future during a congress on the CO2 neutrality of cities.

Vienna, 05.12.2012 – The “Zero Emission Cities Congress 2012” in Vienna’s City Hall focused on the subject of property and discussed what one should address when designing and building new buildings and how one could better prepare the existing built fabric for the future. The target of the “Zero Emission City“ is also a permanent invitation to technical creativity as well as a recognition of the importance of innovation – in line with the event’s motto: "Smart Buildings for Smart Cities".

ATP-CEO Christoph M. Achammer emphasized the importance of integrated design for the energy balance: “the correct design of a building determines future energy use as well as other future costs.”

During the course of discussions and presentations of best practice examples and awards, seven experts demonstrated starting points and models for a better, emission-free future. The congress was rounded off by two top class round table discussions.

Further participants/experts at the event:
Chamber of Commerce President Brigitte Jank
Professor Dr. Helga Kromp-Kolb
Dr. Christian Pöhn Professor
Dr. Wolfgang Gawlik (TU Vienna)
Professor Dr. Norbert Fisch (TU Braunschweig)
Professor Dr. Hansjürg Leibundgut (ETH Zurich)
MMag. Philipp Kaufmann (ÖGNI)
DI Wolfgang Gleissner (BIG)
Mag. Philipp Kaufmann (ÖGNI)
Mag. Karl Friedl (IG Lebenszyklus)
Mag. Markus Reithofer (Reithofer Immobilienbewertung)
Stadtrat Dr. Michael Ludwig


Zero Emissions City Congress
Zero Emissions City Congress

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