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The New Technical Campus
Reopening of the Faculties of Architecture and Engineering Science of the University of Innsbruck
Innsbruck, 23rd October 2015 – Redesigned and completely refurbished by ATP architects engineers, the faculties of the Technical Campus of the University of Innsbruck were officially reopened during a ceremony in the large lecture theatre of the Faculty of Engineering Science. The Rector Tilmann Märk welcomed representatives from the university, politics and the Bundesimmobiliengesellschaft BIG as well as ATP. In his speech he paid tribute the new technical quality of the building, the optimized infrastructure and the success in keeping to both timetable and budget.
The differentiated design and technical innovation enabled the relaunched complex to be freed of its uniformity while still retaining the existing structure which dates back to 1969. “The reinterpretation of existing structures and adaption of these to the technical needs of the 21st century is always a fascinating challenge,” explained Paul Ohnmacht, the design architect of the competition winning team to representatives of the media, “At ATP, architects and engineers have been cooperating integrally – that is to say in a simultaneous and interdisciplinary manner - for 40 years, and this approach is essential for the creation of ‘good’ buildings which are sustainable and lifecycle-oriented in terms of design, function and energy.
We were able to use our integrated design experience to prepare the existing complex to meet the future requirements for the education of architects and engineers. The idea of reacting in very different ways to today’s spatial and user needs was particularly appealing.”
The engineering tower has already received a number of awards: Shortly after completion in January 2015 the ÖGNB presented the building both a TQB certificate as the second-best refurbished office building in Austria with 917 out of 1,000 possible points and klima:aktiv standard Gold with 1,000 out of 1,000 possible quality points. With specially developed windows to allow natural ventilation and wind-resistant shading the tower meets the EnerPhit standard for passive house refurbishment. Professor Wolfgang Feist, Head of the Passive House Institute Innsbruck/Darmstadt, presented the university – the future user – with the certificate and highlighted the enormous energy savings: ATP’s integrally designed refurbishment concept will make it possible to reduce heating costs by 85%.
News TQB Award
Press article Tiroler Tageszeitung, 24.10.2015