Lifecycle Award 2016

IG Lebenszyklus Hochbau is on the lookout for Austria’s showcase projects for 2016.

Innsbruck, 19th January 2016 – By establishing the Lifecycle Award, IG Lebenszyklus and its partners, which include klimaaktiv, the Innovative Buildings Platform and the Austrian Economic Chambers have sent a pioneering signal that projects should not only be judged by the quality of the end result. The quality of both their processes and the organization of their design, construction and operation will be included in the evaluation process. In addition to this, the Lifecycle Award offers clients the opportunity to present these specific aspects of their projects to a wider public.

Projects can be entered for the award up until 31st May 2016. Applicants only need to enter a completed information sheet, the relevant organigram of the project and a list of the documents which present the results of the individual phases. “We have deliberately minimalized the work required of participating companies,” explained Jury Chairman Professor Christoph Achammer of ATP architects engineers. “The criteria are in line with the list of basic information drawn up by IG Lebenszyklus Hochbau as the standard for a well-planned and comprehensively optimized building project.”

The award will be presented during IG Lebenszyklus Hochbau’s annual expert congress at the Austrian Economic Chambers on 17th November 2016. In addition to this, the “special prize for community commitment” will be presented to a public sector lifecycle-oriented building project during the 6th Public Sector Economic Forum on 20th and 21st October 2016 in Graz.




Lifecycle Award Key-Visual
Lifecycle Award Key-Visual

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