Innsbruck, 5th February 2017 – Beate Fankhauser, personal assistant to the management team, accepted 3rd prize in the awards for “Tyrol’s most family-friendly company 2017” on behalf of ATP Innsbruck during the ceremony at the headquarters of the Provincial Government. ATP Innsbruck was awarded third place in the category for companies with “over 100 employees”. “We are delighted that our policies have been recognized once again by the jury,” said Beate Fankhauser at the ceremony. “We see this prize as an incentive to continue supporting and encouraging the work-life balance of our employees as much as possible.”
The jury scored ATP particularly highly in the areas of working hours and workplace, maternity leave and reentry, training, family-friendly measures, information policy, and corporate culture. “A family-oriented corporate culture is becoming increasingly important in the modern working and living environment,” emphasized Councilor Palfrader. “The prizewinning companies place particular importance on families in their corporate culture and help working parents to establish the right balance between professional and family life with their family-friendly personnel policies.”