Vienna, 25th January 2018 – The industrial kitchen of magdas Social Business (a subsidiary of Caritas in the Archdiocese of Vienna) is particularly sustainable and energy-efficient. ATP sustain provided the design team from ATP Vienna with vital support in the shape of a rigorous, lifecycle-costs-oriented concept. This logical cooperation paid off: The industrial building has received ÖGNB Gold certification. “This is principally a logistical, functioning building which respects people’s needs” is how the jury described the project.
Special attention should be drawn to the fact that the façade entirely consists of recycled synthetic panels and that the interior design makes use of a number of materials rescued from demolished buildings. The sustainable kitchen received 940 out of 1,000 possible points in order to become the first industrial building to receive ÖGNB Gold certification. ATP Vienna was commissioned to design the facility following its success in a competition. ATP sustain was responsible within the integrated design process for building physics, building certification, and ongoing consultancy in the areas of energy and sustainability.