Nuremberg, 23rd January 2019 – Development needs space. The approximately 35 employees of ATP Haid have enjoyed having lots of this space since last October’s move to Nuremberg’s Tullnaustraße. The management of the office saw the turn of the year as a good opportunity to invite partners, clients, and friends to a New Year’s reception and networking opportunity.
“The state-of-the-art office building with a view over the Wöhrder See is bright and roomy and fits wonderfully with our office culture. It creates an atmosphere that inspires and motivates us while also offering optimal spatial support to the integrated way of working”, reports Managing Director Andreas Rieser.
Well supplied with tasty finger food visitors were convinced by more than just the feel-good factor of the new office. A series of stations enabled them to learn more about ATP’s philosophy of dynamic cooperation and integrated design. For example, they were able to observe and experience spaces digitally through virtual reality glasses with the expert help of Philipp Zimmermann (ATP Innsbruck). Or marvel at the advantages of integrated design with BIM in a digital twin as explained by Sonja Winstermann (ATP Munich).
Our specialists in the fields of medical technology, lifecycle-oriented building, and efficient design and the “plan radar” were also present in the shape of Armin Wentzler (ATP health), Jens Glöggler (ATP sustain), and Lukas Elsner (ATP Innsbruck). And on his stand, group leader Andreas Beck presented the opportunities and challenges of efficient organizational planning.