Bolzano, 20th June 2018 – The shell and core of the new MARKAS tower are complete. With its spectacular diamond-shaped loadbearing structure the new landmark in the west of Bolzano soars towards the sky. “A hybrid structure of reinforced concrete and cast steel beams supports the entire building via a series of structural hubs”, is how the architect Stefan Köll of ATP Innsbruck (Design&Research) describes the building’s special façade and structure. Dark-colored SCC concrete is used as fair-faced concrete while the steel formwork was specially created for this building.
The new MARKAS headquarters were integrally designed by ATP Innsbruck in line with a competition-winning project. The brief required an office building designed to grow “in step” with the company while also meeting the strict demands of the land-use plan. The idea was to design the office building from top to bottom in order to make maximum use of the given volume. Five open floors (floors 1 - 5) can be completed later. Overall completion is planned for December 2018.