Vienna, 9th November, 2019 – In line with the motto “The interaction between buildings and their environment” IG Lebenszyklus Bau (IGLZ) presented the eagerly awaited annual reports of its individual working groups at its 9th Annual Congress at the Vienna Economic Chamber. At the start of 2019 the association had announced a detailed investigation of the environmental factors of mobility, networks, and the scarcity of resources and their interaction with individual buildings. Conclusion: If you want to design, build, and operate sustainably you cannot afford to ignore a building’s wider surroundings.
Broadening perspectives – managing borders
“Leaving the building and addressing the space around it was the right thing to do”, said IGLZ initiator and board member, Christoph M. Achammer, in view of the richly varied congress program and convincing results of its work. “Today, addressing phenomena such as social networks from an interdisciplinary perspective is just as important as critically questioning outdated regulations and private interests that get in the way of the process”, said ATP’s Executive Board Chairman. Together with Walter Hammertinger (value one) and Karl Friedl (M.O.O.CON) he led the “scarcity” working group, which intensively addressed the issue of how any resulting hoarding and speculation can be prevented
The results of broadening perspectives vis-à-vis the horizons of mobility, networks, and the scarcity of resources were convincingly outlined during the conference. One fact was particularly notable: Those methods defined by the IGLZ as being vital to retaining the value of buildings – interdisciplinary and integral cooperation – are equally applicable to the broader environmental debate. With one difference: The challenges that the individual disciplines regard as “garden fence” issues when they build a house are just as important when they look beyond that fence – except that these are now the borders to the municipality, the neighborhood, and the property. And exactly the same effort must be made to overcome them.
More information about IG Lebenszyklus Hochbau and the congress can be found on the website: