Horgen, 8th August 2019 – Good architecture enhances the quality of life. Even for the elderly. The implementation of this philosophy in its design for an assisted retirement and care home earned ATP 1st prize in a two-phase study competition. The sustainable and comprehensive nature of the design by our team in Zurich fully convinced the evaluation committee and ATP was unanimously commissioned to continue the development of the project.
ATP’s winning project was principally praised for its clever plan, its architectural approach, its modern organization of the care process, and the impressive layout of the functional units. “The organizers recognized the enormous potential of our project idea of transforming the care and retirement home into a meeting place where residents, employees, and visitors can all feel at ease,” said a delighted Matthias Wehrle, architect and ATP partner in Zurich, about the competition success.
The design comprises the construction of two separate buildings, which are carefully and skillfully inserted as autonomous volumes into the existing urban structure: The northern part of the development contains the care functions and the southern part the assisted retirement home. The two buildings are connected by a base level, which contains all such support functions as the offices, restaurant, and health center.
A particular highlight will be the ‘garden of the senses’ for people with dementia. In the open and naturally laid out garden the elderly residents will be able to plant their own plants and work with the soil – ideal conditions for stimulating their senses and triggering a few memories.