
A research project into the early integration of energy-efficient lighting into building design

Innsbruck, 20th April 2021How can the sustainable and energy-efficient control of daylighting and artificial light be integrated into the early design phases?How can lighting design simulations and calculations be incorporated into the BIM model?
These questions are being addressed by the research consortium “Building Information Modeling to Individual Light (BIM2Indilight)”, which includes ATP architects engineers (Innsbruck), the University of Innsbruck, and the Tyrolean companies Bartenbach and Hella Sonnen- und Wetterschutztechnik.

The main objective of BIM2Indilight is to carry out industrial research into the data structures and tools required in order to expand the integrated BIM design process in the field of lighting technology. This should enable the interconnected lighting and thermal calculations to be carried out during the early design phase. In addition to this, a basis should be established for fully calculating the energy balance for the heating, cooling, and lighting of buildings at the start and throughout all design phases.

How the tool works
All necessary lighting and interconnected thermal and building physics parameters were identified, integrated into the characteristics server, and made available for BIM. The research team achieved this by using an add-in tool in Revit. The tool employs the parameters of the building envelope and the artificial and daylight calculations to analyze the exact energy gain during the day and draw conclusions for the ongoing design process. As a result, it will be possible in future to optimize the energy balance of buildings from the very start.

Duration: 10/2018–04/2022
Förderung: The project is supported by the funding program K-Regio of the Standortagentur Tirol from EFRE funds

Presentation of the project at the Alpbach Forum

    Test project in Revit: ATP
    Test project in Revit: ATP

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