Rosenheim, 7th April 2022 – A ceremony has been held to mark the laying of the foundation stone of Plot 4 of the “Lokhöfe” urban district in Rosenheim.
The decommissioned freight and marshaling yards are being transformed into a forward-looking multi-use quarter with a broad range of functions and a high quality of local services in line with ATP’s prize-winning competition project of 2018.
The concept for Plot 4 is based on the idea of multi-generational living. ATP Munich and ATP Nuremberg have designed 142 student apartments for Instone Real Estate Development GmbH and 44 apartments for the elderly and a care facility for 81 residents for BayernCare GmbH.
In line with the latest urban design trends, the strict separation between uses has been replaced by a focus on multiple synergies and dynamic exchange between the generations. With their extensive greenery, the high-quality open spaces of the quarter increase the quality of the visitor experience in the external areas and serve as places for coming together and communicating.