ATP Planungs- und Beteiligungs AG (Holding)
Heiliggeiststraße 16
6010 Innsbruck
Telephone +43 (512) 53 70-0
Fax +43 (512) 53 70-1100
Executive Board: Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Arch. Christoph M. Achammer, Dipl.-Ing. Robert Kelca, Dipl.-Ing. Werner Kahr, Prof. Thilo Ebert
Authorized Signatories: Dr. Georg Schumacher, Timothy Koban
Commercial Register No. FN 186368x, Landesgericht Innsbruck UID-Nr. ATU48104607
Bank Austria A/C No. 850 18290 000 BLZ: 12000 IBAN: AT77 1200 0850 1829 0000 BIC: BKAUATWW
© Copyrigh ATP Planungs- und Beteiligungs AG
All rights reserved. The contents, images, and graphics used on this website and in these apps are subject to the applicable national copyright laws and other laws intended to protect intellectual property. The long-term storage, transmission, processing, alteration, or use of protected content by other websites, apps, or media is not permitted. We are not responsible for material from third-party sources. In the case of third-party websites and apps, which may be accessed via links on our pages, only the operators of these websites or apps are responsible for their content. We are not legally obliged to constantly control third-party content. It is also not possible for us to follow every alteration of these linked pages and to alter our own content and/or links accordingly. As our links are general in nature we expressly distance ourselves from the details of linked third-party content. In addition to this, the opinions of third parties expressed on such websites and in such apps do not necessarily reflect our opinion. Accordingly, we accept no responsibility for the opinions of third parties. The principles expressed above also apply to any banners which may be used. Should our website or parts thereof be incorporated, by links or otherwise, into other websites without our consent, we accept no responsibility for this linking by third parties with third-party websites or apps.
The same applies to any other incorporation of the website and apps of ATP Planungs- und Beteiligungs AG into third-party websites and apps.
We constantly strive to offer you information on our website and in our apps that is new and correct yet we disclaim all responsibility for the correctness, currentness, and completeness thereof.
Copyright pictures website
- ATP architects engineers
- Olaf Becker
Copyright pictures projects and news
- Olaf Becker
- Engelhardt/Sellin
- Gisela Erlacher
- Damir Fabijanic
- Florian Holzherr
- Thomas Jantscher
- Angelo Kaunat
- Stefan Klingler
- Kurt Kuball
- Jean-Luc Valentin
- Günter Richard Wett
- Gregor Rauschmeir