1st Prize, Sun Plaza Bukarest, RO
ATP Vienna wins the invited competition for the rebuilding and expansion of a shopping center in Bucharest
ATP Vienna was successful despite competition from such offices as BCI Studio Ltd, Bose International, Chapman Taylor, Concept i Design, etc.
The entire mall is to be comprehensively refurbished. One of the required measures was the integration of the area of a former furniture store into the existing structure. ATP resolved the problem by remodeling the central square and creating new shop areas and new routes through the space. The work placed great emphasis on visitor guidance and circulation within the mall via escalators, lifts and areas for relaxing as well as natural lighting through glazed roofs and courtyards. In addition to this, a new tunnel will connect the underground station and the new basement areas.
Competition team:
Architecture: Christoph Achammer, Horst Reiner, Dario Travas, Heinz Lindner, Ebru Simsek-Lenk, Matthäus Wasshuber, Christine Hausberger, Katharina Schmidt, Michael Lyon
Structural Engineering: Martin Krautgartner, Tomczak Wojciech
Construction Phases: Kurt Rösler
Energy Concept: Michael Haugeneder
Costs: Markus Schlaffer
Renderings: Giacomo Dodich