aspern IQ: klima:aktiv Passive Building and TQB Certificate of the ÖGNB
ATP designs Austria's first Plus Energy Commercial Building: klima:aktiv and ÖGNB Certification.
klima:aktiv is a quality certificate for buildings which meet stringent energy efficiency, ecology and comfort standards. It is awarded to residential and commercial buildings across Austria which meet the highest standards for design and execution as well as for the quality of their building materials, construction, comfort and internal environment.
aspern IQ has also been awarded the TQB (Total Quality Building) certificate of the ÖGNB: “The Technology Centre being built by the Vienna Business Agency is intended to be the flagship project for the Seestadt Aspern urban development area. The Plus Energy building which is adapted to local resources and designed to optimise user comfort fulfils all sustainability requirements. As the project also meets the highest standards for building ecology and internal environment, it is also subject to product management controls (including on-site quality assurance).” (TQB project documentation of the ÖGNB)
Certification by:
klima:aktiv and ÖGNB