Climate Neutral Brewery

The ATP CO₂ tool in practice

04.07.2023, Reading time: 2 Minutes
Bettina May, Architect at ATP architects engineers in Vienna.

Bettina May

Head Architect and Associate

ATP Innsbruck

Reaching the target of climate neutrality! Thanks to the special ATP CO₂ tool, we were able to minimize the CO₂ emissions generated by the construction and operation of the Flötzinger Brewery in Schechen.

In the age of climate change and scarce resources, our clients are keener than ever to build and operate sustainable buildings. One such client is the traditional Flötzinger Brewery in Rosenheim, which is building a new facility in Schechen in Upper Bavaria. In 2022, we were commissioned with the integrated design of a new, state-of-the-art complex with filling plant, logistics building, tank farm, and brewhouse – all focused on environmental awareness. The objective: climate neutrality.

Having begun to comprehensively investigate all sustainability aspects of this project during the integrated predesign phase, we carried out a range of studies addressing such questions as the optimal positioning of the building and the levels of gray and red emissions. We were able to evaluate this information using the “ATP CO₂-Tool,” which was developed together with ATP sustain. Due to its high effectiveness, this tool recently received the prestigious Green BIM Award.

Building: gray energy
We developed a series of variants of the loadbearing structure and facade of the building and then compared the different CO₂ emissions [kg CO₂e/m²]. We based our comparative value on the requirements of the German Sustainable Building Council (DGNB).

  • Variant 1 with a timber roof structure and facade gave a value of 390 kg CO₂e/m².

  • Variant 2 with a panel facade rather than a timber facade gave a value of 460 kg CO₂e/m².

  • Variant 3 with a reinforced concrete roof structure gave a value of 480 kg CO₂e/m².

CO2 emissions graph as part of the Green Deal for Flötzinger Brewery
Variant 1: Roof structure and facade made of wood © ATP Architects Engineers

Hence, it was decided to adopt Variant 1, with its timber roof structure and facade. This option led to a total reduction in CO₂ emissions of 1,186,000 kg CO₂e vis-à-vis a reinforced concrete roof structure and panel facade. This is equivalent to the CO₂ emitted by a car travelling around 10 million kilometers.

The data from the ATP CO₂ tool delivered us a good basis for taking decisions about the ongoing design work and demonstrated the huge impact that the choice of materials can have on the CO₂ footprint of a building.

Operation: red energy
Besides gray energy, we also addressed red energy in order to ensure that the building operations are as environmentally friendly as possible. By developing a sustainable heating concept based on a heat pump and large-scale roof-mounted photovoltaic plant it was possible to reduce the CO₂ emissions produced by the operational energy below the CO₂ benchmark in the ATP Green Deal – and, therefore, far below the legal requirements of the EU Green Deal. Because, for more than three years, the ATP Green Deal has embodied our voluntary commitment to design projects that far exceed the statutory sustainability standards.

CO2 emissions graph of the Flötzinger Brewery - real version in the ATP Co2 Tool
CO₂ emissions in operation © ATP architects engineers

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